– Matt. 5
What would Jesus teach if here? I think I know!
Sermon on the Mount. A complete sermon, by Jesus himself. [Mt. 5:3 and 3N 12:3 etseq.] Read it? Searched?
Talmage: Nothing can be compared with it: “No mortal man has ever preached a discourse of its kind!”
Contains so much! How possibly understand, let alone remember? Holy Spirit
Let’s search it: T.G says a progression: an inevitable growth process–not all or nothing, a self-evaluation.
HBLee: Beatitudes are blueprint for living. Each with a promise.
2 [H]e opened his mouth, and taught, saying,
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit (i.e. pride, or humble: Not “feel inferior” 1] W/o God,
nothing; less than dust, 2] Grateful that is so) [3N: who come unto me, i.e. ordinances]: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Celestial kingdom, DC137:10. If truly humble, and come to him thru Gospel, rest will follow).
4 Blessed are they that mourn (for their sins): for they shall be comforted (by faith in
repentance thru the atonement).
5 Blessed are the meek (cf. humble: subrogate your will to God. Brett): for they shall
inherit the earth (Celestial glory).
6 Blessed are they (If meek, desire with all heart to do his will) which do hunger and thirst after righteousness (not knowledge): for they shall be filled [3N: with the Holy Ghost] (comfort you with assurance sins forgiven, teach you God’s will, give you power to do it)
7 Blessed are the merciful (Enos: whole desire was for others to share. Jeremiah: Burn in bones?): for they shall obtain mercy (With that judgment . . .).
8 Blessed are the pure in heart (result of all the foregoing.Abby can see your halo.): for
they shall see God (DC93:1).
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. (Cf. the
world today polarizing. Steen. If heart pure, no place for contention, gossip, etc.)
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ [3N: my name’s] sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (General, if not specific, as original apostles: The state of the world re honest, righteous people: dishonesty, immorality, violence, drugs. Rob).
JS: “Must be tried as Abraham”. “When tried to uttermost . . .”
As we search, we see how each determines next. How are you doing in self-evaluation? Good as well as bad. All back to humbly coming to Christ: Song: Know, Do, Be: “Be ye therefore perfect”, Mt. 5:48. Jesus said, “I Am that I am!” Beatitudes are our pathway.